Straight Pepper Diet is a reference from the 'Big Book' of AA and is found, oddly, funnily on page 69 (for the 6th grader in all of us) and is a reference to, basically, sex addiction. The synopsis of Straight Pepper Diet was intriguing - a lawyer gets into some trouble because of his alcoholism and sex addiction, but finds recovery and some peace of mind. The book is basically set up in 3 sections - the active addiction, the process of finding recovery, and the consequences of his poor behavior. Naus was born in 1971. He graduated from Pepperdine Law and passed the Bar in 1997. As related in his harrowing yet hopeful memoir, Straight Pepper Diet, Joseph was raised by his mom, a heroin addict turned shut-in depressive, amidst crime and poverty. At age 32, Joseph's American Dream life became a nightmare when his addictions to.
Straight Pepper Diet Aa Meaning
Meeting Information
- Discussion
- Location Temporarily Closed
- Online Meeting
- Open
- Young People
This meeting is temporarily not meeting in-person.
In the 'Chapel' - Behind Spider House
Straight Pepper Diet has moved the Monday, 8:00 PM to an Online meeting.
Click the Link below for information.Online Meeting
Join with ZoomPassword: mondayz
Contact Information Updated March 24, 2021
Spider House
1 other meeting at this location
Onenote plus. 2908 Fruth St
Austin, TX 78705
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